non-croyant  Apr 5, 2008 • 9:56:41pm

I’ve always said he was a turd, and Ender’s Game was overrated.

nikis-knight  Apr 5, 2008 • 10:00:01pm
That issue is closed as far as I’m concerned. If I hear anymore nonsense about this from any of you, I will reach an ugly conclusion about your real motive. No, I won’t assume you’re a racist, I’ll assume something almost as icky: That you’re a Hillary supporter.

Right. One cannot find gravely concerning that Obama sits in the pews of a man who libels his country. This article greatly disappointed me—I had thought OSC much more reasonable.

Let’s dispense with the “G— d—- America” line first. He’s a preacher. He can use the word “damn” and it isn’t swearing. He can invoke the curse of heaven when he feels it’s appropriate.

Mr. Card, it isn’t a preacher cursing that would bother me. It is a preacher considering that invoking the curse of heaven on the greatest country on earth is appropriate, and Obama agreeing, or at least giving tacit approval for 20+ years.

But then I remembered all the pictures of Jesus I grew up with — the light brown hair, gently waving down to his shoulders, the white white skin — and I realize that for centuries, white Christians have reimagined Jesus as a German or Belgian. Why shouldn’t blacks have the same privilege?

So the mistakes of some ancient european artists excuse the dissembling of supposedly-learned (or supposed to be) preacher? But worse, given the endorsement of Farakahn and Palestinian terrorists, the bending of Jesus history is clearly an attempt to seperate Jesus from Jews—and excuse anti-semitism.

So my disdain for Wright’s preaching is strong. However, I’m not in his church so it’s none of my business. There are plenty of other black preachers telling their congregants the same lies and giving them the same excuses — but there are plenty of white preachers telling lies to their congregations, too.

Namely who? And are these lies as damaging—as damning—as those of Wright that you excuse by these hypothetical lies—and Obama excuses by his Grandmother’s “stereotypes”? And if so, let’s condemn both, not excuse both. Wright’s preaching IS our business—not because we need censor him, but because we need counter him, for his lies spread a terribly crippling bitterness.

non-croyant  Apr 5, 2008 • 10:06:45pm

Seriously - who cares what OSC thinks? He’s a Mormon.

nikis-knight  Apr 5, 2008 • 10:19:58pm

Well, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have posted it. He is a talented Sci-fi writer, with a deft touch when it comes to showing relationships in communities.
His previous columns have been strong defenses of America’s mission and success in Iraq and the lack of evidence of climate change. He has written well about America’s role in the world, in a review of America Alone which was posted by another lizard in a recent spin-off link. So I have come to respect his commentary, though his treatment of Illegal immigration I often find fault with, with some logical flaws when addressing opponents leading to findings of bad faith.
Sure, he is a mormon, but so? I voted for one of his fellows recently for president, obviously being a mormon is not a prohibitor of sound judgement in other matters. And so I have found his, most of the time.

Which was why this column disappointed me. He clearly detests the Clintons, and did so before it became fashionable for democrats to do so earlier this year.
I think he wants so much to find a Democrat he can believe in he’s willing to overlook some very troubling signs about Obama.

But even if I shared Card’s more liberal economics as well as foreign policy views, there is much to find troubling about Obama—he seems as much a liar as Hillary, or has the worst campaign staff—witness the stories of his aides saying “Don’t believe what he says about Nafta, it’s just an empty promise” and also saying to disregard his deeply profoundly immoral promise to pull out immediately from Iraq.

addison  Apr 6, 2008 • 12:15:58am

It is a great disappointment to see that he has imbibed in the Kool-Aid of the foolish and blind. Oh, well.

His defense of Wright is comical in its kindergarten-level reasoning.

He also makes clear that he will honor no dissent.

Generally, once someone makes it clear that dissent from their line means a person is x, y, or z, there is no point in attempting to engage in debate because that person has made the migration from reason to faith.

TalkinKamel  Apr 7, 2008 • 11:53:48am

I’m afraid OSC has jumped the shark. He’s been dipping his toe in the water from time to time, but now he’s actually jumped in.

(Maybe it’s all those $750.00 + per-person writer’s workshops he’s been running of late; having legions of adoring wannabe writer groupies adulating you, can’t be good for anyone.)

(Basically, what he’s doing is trying to play the white racial guilt card.)

TalkinKamel  Apr 7, 2008 • 11:58:52am

Oh, and nikis-knight, my ding was for Card’s article, not at all for you!

(Interesting, by the way, that you didn’t like Ender’s Game; myself, it sounded to me like one of the Sci-fi novels where the basic concept is so incredible, and unpleasant, I didn’t want to read it.)

non-croyant  Apr 7, 2008 • 12:30:41pm

I said Ender’s Game was overrated, but it was a decent enough read, especially considering that it came from the mind of someone who could take Joseph Smith seriously.

nikis-knight  Apr 8, 2008 • 5:17:15pm

re: #8 non-croyant

I said Ender’s Game was overrated, but it was a decent enough read, especially considering that it came from the mind of someone who could take Joseph Smith seriously.

ironically, I guess, my favorite of his series is the Homecoming series, which is bascially a sci-fi series inspired by the Book of Mormon. I didn’t know it at the time, but even still I enjoy the story and the characters very much.
I’d like him to finish his women of Genesis series as well.

Oh, and nikis-knight, my ding was for Card’s article, not at all for you!

Okay, I assumed people were dinging down the viewpoint expressed in the article rather than me for bringing it up. ;)

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